Sunday, February 24, 2008


This is the picture I tried to put on my blog in the last entry. My luggage. I am now in Philadelphia and have spend half a day with the 28 other volunteers headed to Moldova and have learned that at least on the part of the ladies, packing was impossible and we all have more luggage then we were suppose to bring.
Just a quick message to describe our group, lots of young volunteers, just out of graduate school or recently graduated. One married couple (older) a couple of other +50s, one women and one man other than myself and lots of wonderful co-volunteers. With all kinds of talents and expertise. Our biggest representation is from Texas. But there is someone else here from Michigan, Harbor Springs. Have some reading to do for tomorrow's day long session so am signing off. Idealism is running ramped.
My kind of people!

Friday, February 22, 2008


I am not yet gone but on a plane this afternoon to visit my sister in NJ and then Sunday stagging in Philadelphia. Then Tuesday it should be on a plane to Moldova. Time has finally arrived. Susie is already in Romania as she left for stagging on Monday.
If there is no picture on this entry you can blame it on the wonderful wireless here in Oakland County that I have been using since I got my new computer. Beware, the old wireless cards do not fit new computers and the phone companies are not working for their customers. But I have a feeling that my wireless access maybe better in Moldova.
That brings me to the bit of information that this maybe my last entry until after training. Training is reported to be quite time consuming which means maybe not time for blogging.
The picture that I wanted to put on this entry was of my suitcases of which I have spent a good part of the last few weeks packing and repacking in an effort to get most of the stuff on the packing list and the additional stuff I thought I would need in. I look forward to discovering whether I was successful or not. That is did I bring the stuff that I will need.
Wish me Drum Bun.